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There are many ways to contribute to the making of this documentary. Scroll down to see the different alternatives explained in detail. Areas include media, interviews and production ideas.  


No documentary can be created without a content. If you are a photographer and/or videographer, you posess something that I don't and will never claim to have - the rights to your media. 


I would however greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to let me use your media in the documentary, of course with full credit, either by name, twitter-handle, youtube account name or whichever you prefer. 


Primarily HD video is of the biggest interest, but all media is greatly welcomed. 


I would prefer to be able to get the actual files to be able to get the highest quality possible, but if you only have the content uploaded somewhere this is still of high interest. If the files are very large, contact me and we will discuss a way of transfering them.


I can not guarantee that your media will be a part of the finished product, but I will still list you amongst the credits. 


If you wish to contribute media, let me know by contacting me either by email, Twitter of Facebook. You can find contact information here


Please understand that I am unable to give you any financial compensation as it is a no-budget production. 


One goal of this documentary is to include fans. The way of doing this will, apart from media contributions, be by conducting interviews with fans. There will be a ready set of questions, the only thing you have to do is get a decent recording equipment (such as a digital camera, a somewhat new phone or a webcam), point it at yourself, and answer the questions. 


Please start by reading through these requirements.


  • You must be able to record yourself or get someone to record you with decent to high quality equipment. This goes for both the video and the audio. No fancy equipment needed by any means, we just need to be able to see you clearly and hear what you say!

  • You have to be comfortable with the fact that the interview footage, although not in it's entierty, will be a part of the documentary and thus will be uploaded online for everyone to see. (Which, if we're really lucky, might include Brian, Roger and Adam!)

  • I will ask for your name, twitter-handle (if you use Twitter), age and location. If you wish for your real name to remain secret, you can use a nickname or just a twitter-handle. Age and location will be used to create an overview of the broad spectrum of fans. 

    Still interested? You will find the interview questions and a guideline for everything you need to know by clicking here.


To be able to add a somewhat professional-feeling touch to the project and more importantly, making the project easier to find, there might in the future be a kickstarter found raise in order to collect the money needed for obtaining a customized website domain name. This will be the only money raised for this project, as it is meant to be completely free and built on kind spirits contributing media and interviews without getting any economical compensation. 


More info to come.


As this is a big project that has as a goal to become a full length documentary - I would greatly appreciate any ideas for topics included, footage you've found online that is really cool, a friend that has amazing photos, a cool quote in an interview and absolutely anything that you think might be good idea. I can not promise you it will be included, but I will take everything into consideration, and credit the ideas that do make it into the final product. If you wish to send in some ideas, you can do so by contacting me




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